posted on 25/3/13 at 10:11 PM |
Fitting a 4 point harness
Building a hillclimb/sprint sylva striker (please see my photo archive) and wondering where's the best place to fit the shoulder straps on my 4
point harness
The chassis has two points either side of my hips that I can bolt into for the lap belt but nothing to obvious for the shoulder straps.
Is it a matter of drilling into the top part of the chassis that runs from eiher side of my roll cage at shoulder height and attaching some eye
Needs to pass scrutinearing so thought I'd check before I start drilling.
posted on 25/3/13 at 10:32 PM |
Maybe not such a good idea to drill the chassis tube. Mine are eyebolt bushes ( a bit like metal cotton reels ) welded to the side of the crossmember
tube. I think CBS do threaded plates which may suit you better
I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop anytime.
posted on 26/3/13 at 08:22 AM |
I have had both on Westfields. One was drilled, but did have a spacer dropped in so the tube did not collapse when tightened.If you make the top hole
slightly larger than the bottom the spacer stays in place, also used a flat spreader on the under side. My current car has threaded steel tubes welded
onto the rear of cross member. I am fairly certain both would be fine for scrutineer, might might be worth checking with one before you start.
posted on 21/8/14 at 12:17 PM |
At a recent sprint meeting at Blyton Park we had serious issues with scrutineers being very picky about seat belt mountings, particularly with the
singles seaters. This would also apply to Westfield/Locost type cars where the drivers seat is up to the rear bulkhead. Just make sure that the belts
are at the correct angle from the shoulders to the fixing point. Licence holders will have seen the article in the recent MSA magazine.....
posted on 21/8/14 at 12:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by redturner
. Licence holders will have seen the article in the recent MSA magazine.....
see page 11
[Edited on 21/8/14 by CNHSS1]
"Racing is life, everything else, before or after, is just waiting"---Steve McQueen
posted on 21/8/14 at 12:58 PM |
quote: Originally posted by CNHSS1
quote: Originally posted by redturner
. Licence holders will have seen the article in the recent MSA magazine.....
see page 11
[Edited on 21/8/14 by CNHSS1]
You are much cleverer than me buddy..thanks for making my post make sense...
posted on 21/8/14 at 02:10 PM |
no no no, Red, you can do the magical fabrication of metals with welding that looks neat, tidy and strong as opposed to my pigeon sh*t burn a bit,
weld a bit, blow hole in a bit efforts lol
"Racing is life, everything else, before or after, is just waiting"---Steve McQueen
mark chandler
posted on 21/8/14 at 08:13 PM |
My car was log booked a couple of months ago, he was looking for a 6 point harness.
Regards Mark
posted on 21/8/14 at 08:20 PM |
In your case, not required, but I wouldnt drive my car in anger without the crotch straps being secured.....
mark chandler
posted on 21/8/14 at 08:27 PM |
No reverse so it changes the rules a bit maybe ? never the less I have 6 point harnesses so will add some more steel this weekend and drop in a decent
prop catcher, FIA switch then should be ready to play ![](/images//smilies/smile.gif)