posted on 21/9/14 at 06:29 PM |
Favoured race seat
Hi all,
What is the favoured race seat for the locost series? I'm thinking a full height 20 degree GRP seat, can anyone recommend one that is going to
be strong in an accident and easy to fit. I've recently bought a second hand grp seat (only a tenner!) that only comes up to below the shoulder
blades but I believe its a 30 degree recline and as such I'm going to have to raise it in the car to see over the dash - not ideal. It also
doesn't have particularly strong mounts. Plus I want to use a hanns device and it would seem from shopping about that the 30 degree ones are
much more expensive than the "clubman" 20 degree ones.
Ideally less than £160 for the seat.
Thanks, Graham
posted on 21/9/14 at 06:37 PM |
Foam and bin-bag I'd have said and much less and £160 but more work.
See (scroll down to steveiow's howto)
[Edited on 21/9/14 by iank]
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
posted on 22/9/14 at 12:35 PM |
I have raced in the Locost series for the past 10 years.
this season, we have seen upper body injuries including broken ribs & collapsed lungs.
I have had some very severe front end shunts, which left me with just bruising and aches for some weeks.
It appears that the upper body injuries could have been caused by side shunts and the driver moving side to side in the seat and maybe the belts were
not as tight as they could be.
I have fitted a Kirky seat available from Deamon Tweeks. Intermediate 20 degree type. you try for width size wearing race suite if possible. If you
are a 750 club member 10% discount
[Edited on 22/9/14 by ernald]
posted on 22/9/14 at 12:41 PM |
Also check out the official Locost race facebook page. 750mc Locosters
posted on 22/9/14 at 06:00 PM |
Thanks for the replies.
Regarding the foam seats, I would like friends and family to be able to have a go on track days but I do understand it would probably be best for
Really interesting on the Kirkey seats. I can see the benefits of the seat but have also heard of difficulty in extracting drivers as the rib supports
can bend and pinch the driver in the seat. How true this is, I don't know. I have already got a lightweight Kirkey seat that came with the car
but the rib supports are far too high and from what I've seen on their website, I would need a custom made one as they seem to only make one
height of rib for each width of seat . I have thought of getting the seat I have altered but am worried that might compromise the structure.
posted on 23/9/14 at 12:41 PM |
The seat (which I got 2nd hand) already had the rib supports cut back to allow greater arm movement
posted on 14/12/14 at 12:08 AM |
always kirkey!!!!
posted on 14/12/14 at 12:46 PM |
the kirkey seats are quite easy to modify
in fact I have just done one for my car
I almost took the underarm wings off .
I just jig sawed what I wanted . flattened the result with two hammers
then removed the trim from the cut off parts , straightened them and put them back on and tig welded them ( could be araldite )
picks are on my single seater post.
posted on 15/12/14 at 10:11 PM |
easy fit, without any modifications in my locost racer:
[Edited on 15/12/14 by alfas]
posted on 15/12/14 at 10:17 PM |
and a much tighter fit in my westifled se, but sitll without any major mods: