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Broken wing stay
zilspeed - 21/4/04 at 03:05 PM

Woohoo - I broke a wing stay today. Does that qualify as a rite of passage ?

Seriously - rough road, plus press on speed plus welded joint between tube and flatbar caused a failure on the rear part of the offside stay.

I have since checked the front damper settings - I bought this car remember - and the fronts were on full hard settings. They are now on full soft - just like the rears. I don't see a need for any firmer unless I'm on a track.

jmbillings - 9/5/04 at 01:03 PM

Exactly the same thing happened to us with the top stay, on a Belgian motorway (they are bumpy as f***) Luckily we stopped on the hard shoulder before the rear stay broke, removed it and lashed it to the roll bar till we got back to blighty! As for a rite of passage... yeah, if you like We found our front wings would actually vibrate when at a standstill, engine idling, so its no surprise the weld broke. Steve doubled up the thickness and re-made the stays, all good ever since.

Markp - 9/5/04 at 10:21 PM

And I thought I was the only one

Lucky for me it snapped about a mile form my house so it wasn't too bad to get back.

I've made them stronger now but it's still something I think about ALOT when driving over bumpy roads


James - 13/5/04 at 04:52 PM

Zilspeed is right- it's a right of passage when the break.

You're not a true Locoster till you've lost atleast one!
