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Racing at Cadwell 12th & 13th
Andy D - 10/9/09 at 09:37 AM

We shall be at Cadwell this weekend for the NSSCC races. My lad Pete will be racing his Honda Civic, No 67, both days.

It's looking like a good weather forecast, if anyone's there, drop by and say hello.

Race timetable

frodo_monkey - 10/9/09 at 11:14 AM

I'm out in the RAFMSA and Sports vs Saloons on Sunday in the Locoblade, be nice to see you again (first time since Croft in May?)!

Andy D - 10/9/09 at 11:24 AM

I thought you'd sold or were selling the car?

Will see you there.

frodo_monkey - 10/9/09 at 03:04 PM

It hasn't sold yet, so I may as well race it

eccsmk - 10/9/09 at 08:46 PM

i might have to make the extremely long journey over to watch

see you there

Andy D - 11/9/09 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by eccsmk
i might have to make the extremely long journey over to watch

see you there

All loaded up and ready for an early start. See you tomorrow.

adcatman - 11/9/09 at 08:34 PM

We'll be going Sunday, looks like it'll be a good days racing. If I'm allowed out I'll be there Saturday as well.

Numpty Question.... Is the Tiger Challenge a Tiger Cars Race Series?

Regards another Andyd!

Andy D - 11/9/09 at 09:03 PM


Numpty Question.... Is the Tiger Challenge a Tiger Cars Race Series?

As far as I know, yes.

bigfoot4616 - 11/9/09 at 09:17 PM

hope you both have a good weekend, bit to far for me to come and watch this time

Andy D - 13/9/09 at 07:49 PM


Pete quallified 2nd in class for Saturday's race, just behind Paul Moss's potent Saxo. The Saxo bogged down badly on the start, plus went off at park on lap one, leaving Pete leading the class. He was chasing a class B MGZR for the entire race, while the recovering Saxo worked it's way through the field. It eventually caught the Honda on the last lap, but Pete managed to get a better drive out of Barn, and kept the Saxo at bay. Yay! first, 1st in class under the belt!

Sunday's race saw the Saxo and Honda on the grid, alongside eachother....again. The flag dropped and Pete got elbowed back to 2nd in class, then lost another place at Park.. and the Saxo powered past him out of Mansfield.. End of lap one he was fourth in class. Time to fight back! He eventually outbraked one Fiesta into Park, chased down the next one, catching him on Park straight. A bit of pressure around the gooseneck, Fiesta outbraked it'self down into Mansfield, and Pete was through to a well deserved class 2nd.

First race

Second race Part 1

Part two will be up shortly.

Hellfire - 13/9/09 at 07:55 PM

Sounds like a great weekend Pass on our congratulations to Pete.

Team Hellfire

eccsmk - 13/9/09 at 08:07 PM

huge thank you to Andy and Pete for the weekend and a huge well done to pete
definately some fantastic driving especially in todays race!!

also Andy ive had to retire the van to the garage its a bit poorly

Andy D - 13/9/09 at 08:20 PM


also Andy ive had to retire the van to the garage its a bit poorly

I'm not surprised, it's not the best vehicle for stunt driving is it! .. Nice to see you Martin!

Part two is up now

Thanks Hell bods, your congrats duly passed to Pete.

Will probably get a few pics up tomorrow.

eccsmk - 13/9/09 at 10:08 PM

pete was right it was a tad close in the second race

top work

PAUL FISHER - 13/9/09 at 10:19 PM

Well done Pete,great results,some good racing there,how about lap times Andy, compared to last time he was there.

Andy D - 14/9/09 at 07:01 AM

Originally posted by PAUL FISHER
Well done Pete,great results,some good racing there,how about lap times Andy, compared to last time he was there.

Paul, lap times were pretty much the same as his last visit. 1:44s The times are probably getting to be dependant on track conditions. Saturday was a scorcher, and Sunday the circuit was well covered in oil / cement dust...

A few pics.

PAUL FISHER - 14/9/09 at 10:05 AM

The Saxo sits quite high on its suspension,but its not effecting its performance,so it must be working well,when he passed your Pete,it appeared to get a better run out of the bottom of the goose neck,and as you know its one of the worst places to get the power down,this could it be down to a LSD in the Saxo,or he just has a bit more power,I know I always harp on about LSD's,but its because my Clio does not have one,and I am sure it would make a second or two on mine a lap around Cadwell,and if the Saxo has one that alone could be making the difference.

[Edited on 19/05/04 by PAUL FISHER]

Andy D - 14/9/09 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by PAUL FISHER
The Saxo sits quite high on its suspension,but its not effecting its performance,so it must be working well,when he passed your Pete,it appeared to get a better run out of the bottom of the goose neck,and as you know its one of the worst places to get the power down,this could it be down to a LSD in the Saxo,or he just has a bit more power,I know I always harp on about LSD's,but its because my Clio does not have one,and I am sure it would make a second or two on mine a lap around Cadwell,and if the Saxo has one that alone could be making the difference.

[Edited on 19/05/04 by PAUL FISHER]

Paul, the Saxo has a reputed 200bhp plus! also a trick gearbox with LSD. Pete is playing with an open diff, crap 5th gear ratio, and 167bhp.

When we started racing this year, we decided we really weren't trying to compete with the Saxo. It really is in a different league.

PAUL FISHER - 14/9/09 at 10:53 AM

Wow,he's got some money in that car,very nice,in that case,your Pete is doing remarkably well to keep with that,but he will need to put his hand in his pocket for a LSD and a few more ponies for next season if he is to beat that on a regular basis

Andy D - 14/9/09 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by PAUL FISHER
Wow,he's got some money in that car,very nice,in that case,your Pete is doing remarkably well to keep with that,but he will need to put his hand in his pocket for a LSD and a few more ponies for next season if he is to beat that on a regular basis

Well... look what was delivered this morning!

...and he allready has some cams and an Emerald ECU to fit.

PAUL FISHER - 14/9/09 at 11:18 AM

Oh yes they will do nicely

adithorp - 14/9/09 at 12:35 PM

Good result! I'm guessing the headgasket "officially" survived Oulton now?


Andy D - 14/9/09 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Good result! I'm guessing the headgasket "officially" survived Oulton now?


The Oulton "headgasket" problem has been officially declared as "user error". Since Oulton the car has survived four good 20min thrashes, so should be OK.

The final two races at Croft should be good. If we've calculated correctly The Class D championship is being led by Paul Moss (Saxo), with Pete and Gavin Lee (last year's winner, Fiesta) equal second.

[Edited on 14/9/09 by Andy D]

adithorp - 14/9/09 at 12:52 PM

Looked like "helper too busy gabbing" error to me!

When the last one?

Andy D - 14/9/09 at 01:10 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Looked like "helper too busy gabbing" error to me!

When the last one?

The last two rounds are at Croft 26th and 27th sep. ..not long...

bigfoot4616 - 14/9/09 at 07:53 PM

well done to pete mate. i'll try and watch the vids later.

will see you at croft, or maybe teeside?

eccsmk - 14/9/09 at 10:19 PM

ooh some bits for my little pug

Andy D - 15/9/09 at 08:21 AM

Originally posted by bigfoot4616
well done to pete mate. i'll try and watch the vids later.

will see you at croft, or maybe teeside?

Not sure if we'll have a car at Teesside, (racing next day) but will pop through if you decide to go Richard.

Martin, why on earth would you want to fit throttle bodies to a small ugly dog?

eccsmk - 15/9/09 at 12:43 PM

ha ha trust you

u2u sent matey