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kitcar live brands hatch
andy d (rizla) - 5/9/05 at 02:27 PM

,so whos going then,this shoulbe a great one only a fiver and free camping

Brooky - 5/9/05 at 02:39 PM

I will be there, on the track with a for sale sign on the car.
And before MikeR says anything , yes this was a cheap attempt at flogging my car by hijacking the thread!
But it should be a great day out, everything that Donny used to be - but dont write Donny off yet ( i hear next year will be fabulous )

andy d (rizla) - 5/9/05 at 02:52 PM

it will have to be to win back the crowds,if they aint got rid of all them stored cars it will be pants no matter what they do,it effectivly lost a huge area for the club stands

TimC - 5/9/05 at 03:20 PM

I'll be there - perhaps with my Indy and a huge For Sale sign - all depends on trailers and a trailer driver - I'm too young to automatically have it on my license.

[Edited on 5/9/05 by TimC]

donut - 5/9/05 at 03:26 PM

Yup i'll be there drooling over...erm...everything!

ayoungman - 5/9/05 at 03:27 PM

I'll be there in the pm.

Brooky - 5/9/05 at 03:52 PM

already got one TimC !

[Edited on 5/9/05 by Brooky]

MikeR - 5/9/05 at 04:06 PM

think you might need bigger print - the way you drive no one will ever have chance to see it unless you're at traffic lights / parked.

Oh Brooky, you said your cheap mate, not me

TimC - 5/9/05 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Brooky
already got one TimC !

Edited on 5/9/05 by Brooky]

That's my weekend purchase sorted. Might try.. "This car revs to 10,500rpm and is fitted with Nitrous Oxide. Buy it now!"

..... or maybe not!

mak - 5/9/05 at 04:24 PM

I'll be there!, but not with my car, maybe next time. Be nice if there was a way of spotting the guys who are regular on this site at the show.

Putting names to faces kind of thing.

rusty nuts - 5/9/05 at 06:25 PM

Hope to be there but probably P.M. may be in car if weather is O.K.

bob - 5/9/05 at 06:28 PM

If the weathers ok i'll go friday afternoon in the car with tent meat and maybe some beer

rusty nuts - 5/9/05 at 06:33 PM

Will there be 2 of you Bob?. Will look out for identical twins.

big_wasa - 5/9/05 at 06:52 PM

So will it be better than Donington as I was planning on that and not Brands ?

donut - 5/9/05 at 07:09 PM

Bob's suffering from a split personality!

Isn't that right Bob......and Bob

andy d (rizla) - 5/9/05 at 07:40 PM

farting in bed will be better than donny


bob - 5/9/05 at 07:55 PM

I'd rather stick rusty needles in my eyes than go to another limelight show

donut - 6/9/05 at 06:52 AM

But the donny track will be open on the Sunday!

Deckman001 - 6/9/05 at 07:04 PM

I'll be there, with a set of ally hubs for peeps to look at


Simon - 7/9/05 at 07:57 PM

I'll be there, probably gonna go by bike!!



ayoungman - 8/9/05 at 09:49 AM

Carry a rolled up newspaper under your arm. Should give us a fair chance to spot each other.