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954 Injection Blade, Water Temp
charlierevell - 30/1/08 at 11:16 PM

Hey all, just thinking about the trip i did on sunday, the temp got up to 100-105ish i think ( I know it went north of 100) But when SHOULD the fan kick in, i couldnt hear it and the temp didnt drop.
When i started moving forwards (up to 5mph) it dropped to 97 and below but then shot up again when i stopped.
So im sure i would have seen the difference of the fan aswell!

Any ideas?

PAUL FISHER - 30/1/08 at 11:47 PM

If the temp is going up to 105 in this cold weather,its a bit on the high side,the fan should start to kick in at around 96 to 98,my old 929 did go up to 103 to 105 but that was on track on hot days,during normal running it would only run at 98 maximum.
How is your fan switch wired,is it from the switch on the engine block,or from a switch in the rad,if its got the MK rad fitted you can fit a lower temp switch in it so the fan comes in earlier.The switches come in different temp ranges,like 93/98 for example,comes on at 98 and off at 93.

Crazy Eddie - 30/1/08 at 11:50 PM

I have an older blade engine and didn't like watching the temp get higher and higher. IIRC some of the fans don't kick in till 110 which I personally didn't like the idea of.
I have put in an over-ride switch to put the fan on myself when I see it rising in the pits for example but have kept the radiator switch in pace incase I don't notic at some point.
Hopefully someone more experienced will reply with a different option.

Edited to add: Like the one above while I was typing

[Edited on 30/1/08 by Crazy Eddie]

bartonp - 31/1/08 at 09:41 AM

Always a good idea to have a 'stat bypass sw wired in....

Moorron - 31/1/08 at 01:25 PM

hope i can butt in. My CBR1000F has an aftermarked guage fitted but often reads over 100, the fan doesnt even kick in until 120 so can i assume its the guage not using the right sender (i ordered one and it is indeed different to the one fitted to the car).

PS i bought the car ready built.

pps, i have an infra red temp unit, would pointing this at the senders base would it give me a real reading so i could compair).

zxrlocost - 31/1/08 at 05:34 PM

the R1 fan kicks in at 106

in my R1 car it runs at around 80ish on the go

if yours is floating around the 100-105 mark quite a lot I would investigate a coolant issue whether it be electrical ie reading wrong or coolant related

my 893 blade car stays at 76' for ages on the spot without budging then creaps up

hth chris

charlierevell - 31/1/08 at 09:58 PM

Sorry guys, this was sat in traffic, its not a regular thing. It normally sits at 75-85.
I was trying to find when it kicks in so next time i can check it does work at the right temp....

zxrlocost - 1/2/08 at 07:15 AM

anywhere around that high figure the fan will kick in best of leaving it ticking over on the drive see what happens