Can anyoe throw any light on the requirements for SVA as regards the area inder the dash.
To be more explicit I want to use the bike swtches and there is limited space behind the paddleshift. I could mount it back under the dash but outside
the protection zone from the steering wheel.
Any thoughts?
Looking at tthe switch arragement some of it does not appear to have the radii required.
As there has been a deafening silence over my question, I went to the DoT testing station.
All the area under the dash has to have the collect radii of 2.5mmm or edges off for thinner stuff. This is above the height of the seat bottom.
My switches can be installed, as the area excluded, is the radius of the steering wheel plus 127mm. This area however is flattened off by a line drawn
across the bottom of the wheel.
Also I didnt know that this area is extended to the off-side side panel in front of the dash.
i often forget the offside area, useful for sticking stuff out of the way but not hidden behind the wheel.
Thats what I thought. The starter button can go there as it does not have the correct radius.
Also it was usefull to know that the gauges can protrude with there wrong bezel radius as long as its less than 3.2 mm. This should mean that I can
poke my bike gauges through the carbon fibre dash as long as its less than this dimension.
Hi Steve, the 3.2mm figure I presume means protrusion through the dash?
ie. no more than 3.2 above the surface of the dash panel.
I've never been completely sure of this ruling.
Thats how I read it. My Idiots guide says:
"A sharp edge means an edge of ridged
material having a radius of curvature less than 2.5mm, except in the case of a projection from a panel which is less than 3.2m"