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SVA - will this pass
peterparsons - 27/11/08 at 08:58 AM

will my seat belt mounts pass the SVA

The bolts go all the way through the tubes and bolt onto the cross member

sorry about the picture size, still haven't got to grips on re sizing photos !

[Edited on 27/11/08 by peterparsons] Rescued attachment rear.JPG
Rescued attachment rear.JPG

r1_pete - 27/11/08 at 09:06 AM

Open Paint, open picture, click image, stretch skew, 30% horiz 30% vert, OK, Save.

Soz can't help with SVA though

[Edited on 27/11/08 by r1_pete]

JohnN - 27/11/08 at 09:18 AM

The top harness mounts look like they may present too sharp an edge, maybe the bolt caps, and/or the bracket itself.

I personally don't like the high extensions either, but they do line up with the seat holes which is a plus. Structurally though, they are weak and will easily deform in an accident situation to the detriment of the wearer.

02GF74 - 27/11/08 at 09:23 AM

Originally posted by JohnN

I personally don't like the high extensions either, but they do line up with the seat holes which is a plus. Structurally though, they are weak and will easily deform in an accident situation to the detriment of the wearer.

weld a support bar within the roll hoop for support?

peterparsons - 27/11/08 at 09:24 AM

Yea, I was going to put caps on the bolts. The extensions may well fall off after the SVA.
I was trying to line up the harness with the seat holes

BenB - 27/11/08 at 09:29 AM

I passed with a similar system based just upon some tube slightly bigger than the M8 bolt!!

maartenromijn - 27/11/08 at 09:31 AM


weld a support bar within the roll hoop for support?

Are the hoops mountings strong enough? I would either weld them or at least use 4 bolts per mounting plate. If you weld a support bar, the hoops will be non-removable anyway, so better to weld them onto your car.

Do you have a strenthening construction underneith the horizontal member?

robinj66 - 27/11/08 at 11:11 AM

I'm going to stick my neck out and say I don't think those mounts will pass the SVA.

The tester is looking for mounts that will take a force of 3 tonnes and comply with the manual - tubes welded end-on will not.

I had great difficulty persuading the third tester to pass mine (see photo). On the basis of his comments, you will need to weld fillets to support the sides of your tubes where they stick up from the cross-member.


PS Given that the effective height on your car is determined by the harness slots in the seats, could you not sink the threaded tubes into the cross-member, which would then satisfy the diagrams in the manual.

[Edited on 27/11/08 by robinj66]

pewe - 27/11/08 at 12:07 PM

If you are going to SVA in Southampton 'fraid the mounts and belt plates will not get past Mark's eagle eye.
I zipped tied seat belt buckle covers on top of the mounting plates which he passed.
As far as the vertical tubes as has already been said^^^ I reckon you need to put fillets above and below the tubing to stop it being ripped out under crash conditions.
HTH. Cheers, Pewe

Reckon PaulBuz's below looks ideal

[Edited on 27/11/08 by pewe]

PaulBuz - 27/11/08 at 12:07 PM

Mine wre similar, But after comments on here I decided to modify.
From this: Rescued attachment rear.jpg
Rescued attachment rear.jpg

PaulBuz - 27/11/08 at 12:07 PM

To this: Rescued attachment rrear2.jpg
Rescued attachment rrear2.jpg

wilkingj - 27/11/08 at 12:25 PM

Its all fairly simple really.

Ask just one question......

Would this be strong enough to save my life (or my passenger) / would I let my life (or my passenger) depend upon this?

richardh - 27/11/08 at 02:04 PM

ive seen a few go off-road so to speak and they held fine - all depends on the quality of the chassis provider and the weld.
moral - if in doubt, strengthen

02GF74 - 27/11/08 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by wilkingj
Its all fairly simple really.

Ask just one question......

Would this be strong enough to save my life (or my passenger) / would I let my life (or my passenger) depend upon this?

... but how do you know if it is strong enough without testing to breaking point?

how do you know the bolt or belt will not fail?

peterparsons - 27/11/08 at 03:50 PM

Just for clarity....

The bolts go all the way through the tubes and bolt onto the cross member

PaulBuz - 27/11/08 at 08:01 PM

Its hard to tell from the pic. but Iassume that hey bolt onto a new box section on your chassis.
I would be worried that when it mattered, due to the long leverage of the bolt/thin support pillar, that it may rip through the box section.
As someone has already said.
If in any doubt..strenghten

JohnN - 27/11/08 at 08:08 PM

I fixed my mounting points by welding in a cross tube to the roll bar, at the right height

[img] Harness Mounts
Harness Mounts