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SVA tomorrow
peterparsons - 17/12/08 at 03:01 PM

All loaded ready for the SVA in southampton at 8am tomorrow.... Rescued attachment off to SVA 2.JPG
Rescued attachment off to SVA 2.JPG

Mr Whippy - 17/12/08 at 03:03 PM

looks good

best of luck

spdpug98 - 17/12/08 at 03:06 PM

Good luck

Dangle_kt - 17/12/08 at 03:06 PM


Guinness - 17/12/08 at 03:09 PM

Good luck!


cd.thomson - 17/12/08 at 03:14 PM

Take the opportunity to drive it there!

Stuart_B - 17/12/08 at 03:15 PM

looks great, good luck


jabbahutt - 17/12/08 at 03:20 PM

looks best of luck tomorrow

tomgregory2000 - 17/12/08 at 03:30 PM

good luck and let us know how you get on

chris_smith - 17/12/08 at 03:38 PM

best of luck fingers and toes crossed

minitici - 17/12/08 at 04:13 PM

Pikeys will have that away sometime soon

pewe - 17/12/08 at 04:24 PM

BOL - you should have Mark.
He's very fair but makes sure it's safe to drive!
Keep us posted.
Cheers, Pewe

adithorp - 17/12/08 at 04:42 PM

God luck and have fun!

It'd be a lot more fun driving it there though.


02GF74 - 17/12/08 at 05:27 PM

good luck

A1 - 17/12/08 at 05:34 PM

good luck!!hope theyre decent

pinto - 17/12/08 at 05:45 PM

Good luck
its looking very nice

RichardK - 17/12/08 at 06:51 PM

Good luck mate and enjoy the day.


matt.c - 17/12/08 at 08:45 PM

Hope it all goes well.