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Call me King Donut...yup i passed SVA!!
donut - 27/1/04 at 01:50 PM

OH YES OH YES OH YES!!Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A Passed S.V.A

Just a bit happy!!!!!!!

Andy the happy one!!

Deckman001 - 27/1/04 at 02:00 PM

GO - 27/1/04 at 02:00 PM

Nice, I like to see a bit of enthusiasm!!

Congratulations mate!

Just a few more, hundred, hours to spend in the garage... I can do it...

Jonte - 27/1/04 at 02:10 PM

Thumbs up.....

And we“re not jealous

stephen_gusterson - 27/1/04 at 02:21 PM

did you pass?



JoelP - 27/1/04 at 02:21 PM

lol good news eh?! only a few months of red tape left!!

i need to get cracking myself...

nick205 - 27/1/04 at 02:25 PM

top job matey - roll on summer sun (and registration).




GasGasGas - 27/1/04 at 02:45 PM

YEEHAA !!!!!

Jolly good show old bean

Jasper - 27/1/04 at 03:31 PM

Top Man

splitrivet - 27/1/04 at 04:14 PM

Well done Donut

santcliff - 27/1/04 at 04:20 PM

nice one donut.

you passing will inspire me to get out there and tinker, no matter how cold it is.


TPG - 27/1/04 at 04:43 PM

Speaking as a fellow "just passed the sva this year/month" person I think you need to lose your modesty and get a bit more exited about it.A little happyness will help.
Nice One!.Keep it posted how you go on with regging.I've not done mine yet due to weather/dvla wanting £134.00 when I do turn up/paper work/current salt ,mud cow sh*tie to tarmac ratio round here.

donut - 27/1/04 at 05:04 PM

Cheers guy's...

One thing though...i have a dilemma, Do i keep the HUGE standars Sierra steering wheel or do i put on my new small sporty Mountny black leather shirt button of a steering wheel?

Hmmm...what to do...what to do

Andy the bloke who passed SVA today!

[Edited on 27/1/04 by donut]

Mk-Ninja - 27/1/04 at 05:12 PM


One thing though...i have a dilemma, Do i keep the HUGE standars Sierra steering wheel or do i put on my new small sporty Mountny black leather shirt button of a steering wheel?

You should be OK theres not that many wires to it.


bob - 27/1/04 at 05:20 PM

well done mate

I'll be rught behind you

JoelP - 27/1/04 at 05:23 PM

from what i've heard that should worry you, having bob behind you... maybe you would feel better if you took the well padded sierra wheel and taped it to your ass, bit of protection in the event of a rear impact?! lol

CairB - 27/1/04 at 05:29 PM

Congratulations Andy.

Nice feeling eh?



theconrodkid - 27/1/04 at 05:38 PM

so whats happening on the number plate front?

donut - 27/1/04 at 05:42 PM

Very nice feeling Colin.

One thing troubles me though, now i have finished building does that mean i'm no longer a locoster? If i don't buy any tea's at the meets will that do instead??

Now what am i going to fiddle with now the cars done?

Oh and can we start a new club for people who have passed sva? The Southern SVA 7's LOL


donut - 27/1/04 at 05:46 PM

John..Going to VRO tomorrow (Wednesday)


macspeedy - 27/1/04 at 05:48 PM

well done 'big smiles a foot'

donut - 27/1/04 at 05:51 PM

Peteff - 27/1/04 at 05:54 PM

I thought you were an Indy builder. Real locosters make their own chassis. Rescued attachment runforcover.jpg
Rescued attachment runforcover.jpg

James - 27/1/04 at 06:03 PM

Well done mate.


donut - 27/1/04 at 06:05 PM

Thats true Peteff!

alister667 - 27/1/04 at 06:16 PM

Congratulations. It must be a great feeling. Roll on summer!

jacko - 27/1/04 at 08:45 PM

another MK indy passed


scutter - 27/1/04 at 08:52 PM

well done Andy, That's another that started after me and finished before.

Does this make you Dun-king Donut.

ATB Dan.

Kitlooney1000 - 27/1/04 at 09:17 PM

Happy Motoring Lucky B*st*rd

Fozzie - 27/1/04 at 10:52 PM

Well done Andy!
Can't wait to hear all about it!

ATB fozzie

GasGasGas - 28/1/04 at 08:41 PM

"If i pass before you i'll eat my hat!!!!!

Andy "

in an answer to bob

YOU better bring a woolie to newlands so we can all witness it

bob - 28/1/04 at 09:52 PM

I'll enjoy watching that,and he's not allowed any liquids.

donut - 29/1/04 at 07:32 AM