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got my sva date
Stuart_B - 6/1/09 at 06:13 PM

hi all, i got a letter about my sva today saying phone up and book a date, so i phoned them up and got a date for the sva test, which is the the thrusday 15th january 2009.

so my sva is all booked for next thursday.

i can not wait, i have a big grin on all ready.

thanks to all people how have helped me to get this far.


dogwood - 6/1/09 at 06:21 PM

Good luck mate.

They certainly are coming through thick and fast now

FEZ1025 - 6/1/09 at 06:58 PM

They rang me yesterday morning 08:45 wanting to know if I wanted to go this Thursday, had to politely decline as it's not finished yet LOL.


Snap-off - 6/1/09 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Stuart_B

i can not wait, i have a big grin on all ready.


Good luck! You must be well prepared! Most people sh*t bricks!

Omni - 6/1/09 at 07:32 PM


Any pics of the car now???


LBMEFM - 6/1/09 at 07:47 PM

Go for it Stuart and good luck

Stuart_B - 6/1/09 at 08:18 PM

hi all, thanks for the replys, i realy would like to pass the sva, so then i can get the build up inspection done and registar the car and drive it as much as i can.

so here a few pics:






afj - 7/1/09 at 04:07 PM

good luck with the test

omega 24 v6 - 7/1/09 at 05:39 PM

You look quite a young man (if it's you in the pics) how have you got on trying to get insurance on your kit if you don't mind me asking?

Stuart_B - 7/1/09 at 06:47 PM

hi, thanks for the replys, yes that is me in my pride and joy, i phone every kit car insurance place today and only got two qoutes one was £2700 fully comp, and the other is £1027.95, fully comp with break down cover and euro cover and only a £375 access, but limted to 1500miles
or a thrid party insurance for £514.50. so i do not think that is to bad as i am 17 year old boy, with no no claims discount and only passed my driving test 2 months ago. it is less tahn my 1.1 saxo, and a lot less than ever mate of mine are paying insurance, so i am happy, as i told my dad expected to pay £900(as he is paying for it)

