Until contacting Paul Jepson to do my paperwork i had no idea i would need photos of the build. Anyone got any ideas on what to do? I bought my kit in 2001 and have reciepts to prove it. Will this help me?
Buy or borrow a camera, take some pictures, put them on a CD and hand them in.
I didnt have or need any pics for my SVA.
I didnt think it was part of the SVA.
The DVLA, took pictures of the car, and under the bonnet, and in particular the VIN number area. But again, they took the pics, and didnt ask for any
from me.
However I did just turn up at the DVLA un-announced with the car.
The DVLA place is 1 mile up the road from the VOSA SVA centre in Chelmsford.
They were very suspicious of why I was registering in in Chelmsford, when I lived in Cambridge (Peterborough is the Cambs Centre). However production
of the Chelsford VOSA's MAC dated the same day soon sorted that. It was just the nearest and easiest for me, and they accepted that.
Ring the actual VOSA SVA centre, I am sure you dont need pictures.
I did take all my build docs and reciepts to the SVA, and they didnt want to see any of them either.
Good Luck.
Thank you for the reply. I haven't recieved my documents from Paul yet, but on the first forms you send back they are requesting photos. Will have to wait and see.....
look in peoples archives for things that look similar to yous then copy the photo, sure no-one will have any objections, just to give us a clue what
colour is your bodywork and what engine
sorry if you said anywere what engine it is but I work nights
Im just sending the forms today and having read the form that VOSA sent me you dont need to send the photos with the form they MAY be requested at the test.
Bulding Tiger supercat in Yellow. Not really sure how it works. Paul said they need to see photos of me actually building the car. Otherwise i will be entered in the 'professional' SVA test. Not really sure what the difference is....
Might be wrong but pretty certain it says if sending copies of photos and receipts originals may be requested at a later time.
still you'll soon find out if they send the form back
Originally posted by dan8400
Bulding Tiger supercat in Yellow. Not really sure how it works. Paul said they need to see photos of me actually building the car. Otherwise i will be entered in the 'professional' SVA test. Not really sure what the difference is....
Like Tony said, borrow some pics!
one part built 7 looks very much like another.
part of my problem with sending photos is the PC that has all the photos on has died so need to get the hard drive out etc but want to get the forms
sent as soon as poss.
Have put a note in saying pictures are available via the build website.
I just printed 30 phptos in black and white 4 pics to an A4 page perfectly acceptable if they wanted the originals I had them on disc. whitestu's is yellow have a look in his archive
What about claiming you can't have photos taken on religious grounds because the camera 'steals your spirit'?
This is bloody ridiculous! Have they caught so many people abusing the system that it warrants this sort of thing? As far as can tell, in the 7/8
years I've been doing this hobby, the problems have been caused by DVLA incompetence, not by kit car builders somehow defrauding the system!
rant over!
Photos are required to prove amateur build. It's to stop small builders passing off pro cars as amateurs because they have to meet more stringent
regs (but not related to emissions - that's down to engine age).
Photos are not needed for SVA but can help to show integrity of build, e.g. seat belt mounts properly made but now hidden by tinwork.
good luck
Cobble up some pics to be on the safe side for DVLA. VOSA's latest missive says any application in the run up to the deadline must be
'right' or they'll chuck it out and you'll miss the date.
I think we need to blame westfield/caterham etc. for trying to pass cars they have built as customers cars.
Vosa clocked it and as usual its the normal law abiding citizen who ends up having to jump through extra hoops.
Is there a reason you don't have any pictures? You don't work for caterham do you!?!?!?!?!? RUMBLED!
Hehe... no i don't work for caterham. lol. I just don't take many pictures in general and i have been more concerned with cracking on instead of taking pictures so sort of never got round to it. Crap excuse i know. I started the build in 2001 and the rules have changed since then on photos. Might just wing it and see how it goes. lol
I'm glad you didn't use the words "more concerned with cracking on" and " started the build in 2001" in the same sentance!!