Full story here -
sorry to hear about the fail nick, its a long list as stated on the DSC forum but it is just little things, i would say the biggest thing on there is
the noise.
did you not take a big bag of edge trim, files and tools with you, my sva man let me make whatever adjustments i needed to at the station, things like
adding extra edging to exposed edges etc he was fine with.
when is the retest?
Hi -
I thought it would be easier to fix things at home and do a proper job of it as it needs to go back anyway. I think I'll give it 6 weeks or so
before a retest as I really only have weekends to work on it. As you say, most of the things are very trivial and quick to sort out - the big problem
is the noise.
Bad luck mate, i'm in hedge end and just passed (2nd attempt) good luck for the retest