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omega 24 v6 - 22/2/09 at 12:26 PM

maybe getting paranoid now can't find anything left to do on the car. must mean its ready for tuesday. Had a last minute hiccup yesterday as it turned out my light's were right habd dippers but a mate who's building a westy has lent me his to get me through the test on tuesday ( hopefully and fingers crossed etc).
But I wonder if should fit the timing belt cover?? whatdya reckon? don't know where it is or the fittings for it but I doubt it'd be a fail.


coozer - 22/2/09 at 12:36 PM

Didn't have the cover on mine, was OK at the test.


dogwood - 22/2/09 at 12:41 PM

Same here, No prob's

Good luck for Tuesday


blakep82 - 22/2/09 at 12:48 PM

my mate dropped my car on my cam bely cover, i'm not gonna replace it

omega0684 - 22/2/09 at 01:13 PM

same here, i didn't have a cover at sva and the guy said nothing

SteveWalker - 22/2/09 at 01:15 PM

If you can't find anything to do, look harder! At about 11 o'clock at night, the night before my SVA, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't put any oil in the gearbox! Fortunately I'd bought it previously.

Fozzie - 22/2/09 at 05:48 PM

Good luck for Tuesday!

Don't forget to take a few tools and odds and ends of trim/nut covers etc.....just in case...

ATB Fozzie

MautoK - 22/2/09 at 08:34 PM

Good luck for your SVA!