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Got an SVA date despite vosa address woes
FASTdan - 25/2/09 at 10:12 PM

I rang VOSA on tuesday (with fingers firmly crossed) to check if they'd received our documents - after reading the whole address 'issue' on here at the weekend. Anyway, she confirmed that it had been processed and sent to Chadderton. Then today we received a letter with the date (23rd March)

This might put some peoples mind at rest who sent their docs around the same time (2-3 weeks ago).

adithorp - 25/2/09 at 10:39 PM

I think the address thing is a big red herring. Places like VOSA have thier post delivered direct from the sorting office by the sack-full. Anything arriving in Swansea with "VOSA" on it goes in thier delivery. They won't have 2 lots of sacks, one for the new address and another for the old one. It's not like a posty walks his round with just a few letters for them amongst all his other deliveries, oblivious of who they're for.

Of course some will get lost but that happens with the post.
