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pics of roll pinned bias?
joemotion - 5/3/09 at 09:41 PM

Has anybody got any pics of a completed bias that has been pinned!?? just wanna see exactly what it looks like as im dreading trying to fit in that foot well with my drill at SVA!??!!!

omega0684 - 5/3/09 at 09:56 PM

drive you car up and down the street and do a few emergency stops, when you feel the brake bias is about right (the fronts locking up before the rears. drill a hole next to one of the pistons and shove a roll pin through, job done!

Dusty - 6/3/09 at 04:49 AM

Rollpin will not be acceptable come IVA time, neither will manualy adjustable devices. Fixed or automatic bias adjustment only. (If I read the IVA draft correctly.)

MikeR - 6/3/09 at 08:00 AM

Why is a roll pin not 'fixed' bias?

mr henderson - 6/3/09 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
Why is a roll pin not 'fixed' bias?

Knock 'em out with a pin punch and alter the bias?