Haven't yet got my date, but requested end of April.
So - what happens if you need to defer/postpone your date? Anybody know the time limit, for existing SVA test dates?
Apologies if this has already been posted; couldn't track it down.
I don't know the answer, but its a good question. Mine is the 24th April, so if I'm ill or something I wonder what would happen...
I have read that if the car is presented as unfinished at the SVA then your test is cancelled and you have to rejoin the queue (and by the end of
April that queue would put you in IVA territory) - of course this is all forum talk, so unless you have a reliable soure, then why not call vosa for
an answer?
and then post the answer here
I can confirm according to the examiner in notts if you present unfinished they can refuse to test and you will be put to the back of the queue and
have to resubmit after having you fee refunded less a charge
Not sure how things stand re postponement given that most stations are stacked towards the end of april anyway given everyone is trying to get as late
a date as poss to give themselves time to finish. I know I have and notts is stacked latest date they could offer was 6th April
[Edited on 9/3/09 by Vindi_andy]
Hi, got my sva test date this morning. I asked for 20th april, not wanting to be too cheeky . Chap from derby phoned to confirm and I asked if a later
date was available and he said all sva must completed by 29th. but gave me a date for 27th. Still will be nothing like finished, just hoping to get
there and get a test and a result. Still time for them to extend I suppose. Especially as IVA legistation not past yet?