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Stricter SVA application
daviep - 9/3/09 at 05:43 PM

Got a call today from the SVA technical advisor saying that he thought some of my figures were unrealistic.

I put down a top speed of 100mph - he suggested 120 mph was probably more accurate.

I had my ZZR 1100 making max power at 9000rpm - SVA man said 10,500rpm, which I've just checked is correct.

The chap was very friendly and helpful, he said his position has been created as the number of unrealistic applications is now quite high. I was surprised he'd been and checked what the ZZR made max power at!!

Be Warned

mistergrumpy - 9/3/09 at 05:49 PM

Can only be a good thing that there's interest being shown in the application stage as this is generally the slow bit.
If only the DVLA followed suit now.

Hellfire - 9/3/09 at 05:59 PM

Much better to get a polite phone call than have your forms returned for amending and thereby delaying the process. I assume that if you agree, he makes the necessary amendments and continues processing your forms?


Guinness - 9/3/09 at 06:38 PM

I turned up at my SVA to find that my tester didn't believe my figures either! He had a copy of a kit car magazine which featured a ZZR powered Dax open on his desk. That had all the power figures in the article!


Good luck


Paul TigerB6 - 9/3/09 at 06:41 PM

To be honest - i would say you were taking the pi$$ quite a bit with those sort of figures given the ZZR1100 engine. I am not surprised they pulled you on it - i would think the staff are pretty up to speed on what sort of numbers to expect given the number of applications they must process in a day. Best to be honest up front imho.

There are soooooo many builders on here with impending SVA's!! Anyone would think they were changing the rules or summat!!