In my SVA lookover post a couple of people pointed out the flyscreen may be an issue regarding radius - so we've rounded the edges. However
reading other posts everyone seems to recommend removing screens for the test - are we going to have an issue with ours (maybe demisting/wipers etc?)
if we leave it on?
I'd take it off straight away except my mirror is suctioned onto it which would mean making a mount to come off the scuttle - not got that much
time to SVA given the other stuff still left to do.
You can mount that type of mirror to the scuttle or the dash for the SVA, don't worry about it.
The rounded off of the edges is a fair point, but it's also a "field of view" issue, that's why it's just easier to remove
I'd remove it.
Originally posted by Steve Hignett
You can mount that type of mirror to the scuttle or the dash for the SVA, don't worry about it.
The rounded off of the edges is a fair point, but it's also a "field of view" issue, that's why it's just easier to remove it.
IIRC you can't use a suction type mirror
Originally posted by Schrodinger
IIRC you can't use a suction type mirror