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Pre SVA Pics - Comments Please!
craig1410 - 1/4/09 at 09:19 PM

Hi guys,

I would appreciate any comments (good and bad) on my SVA prep. My test is on Friday so I only have a short time to resolve any obvious issues. I'm not expecting to pass as I've not had enough time to go over the car but hopefully I won't be too far off.

Obviously I haven't had time to paint the car which isn't ideal but the weather has been too damp and cold lately to try a DIY paint job and I've been flat out just trying to get everything else ready. I also want to see if I can make the nose look a bit less ugly which, lets face it, shouldn't be hard...

I will say that with the V8 running nicely it sounds much much better than it looks!!

Here's the link:

Thanks for your time,

mackei23b - 1/4/09 at 09:25 PM

Looks like you have an adjustable brake valve, you'll need to have some way of locking this of with a roll pin, that said I think some have passed when they have been mounted in a place usuall not accessible by the driver



omega0684 - 1/4/09 at 09:25 PM

im sure it will look as good as it sounds once you have the body work complete, i can't see anything obvious from the photo's. looks very tidy

craig1410 - 1/4/09 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by mackei23b
Looks like you have an adjustable brake valve, you'll need to have some way of locking this of with a roll pin, that said I think some have passed when they have been mounted in a place usuall not accessible by the driver



I've pre-drilled the locking nut and will pick up some rollpins from halfords tomorrow. After the brake balance is tested I will drill the bolt and lock it up. I'll also take along some split pins in case he will allow them as they are easier to fit than rollpins.

Thanks for the comments though, appreciated.

Thanks to you too omega0684, I appreciate the compliment. I can't wait to get it painted as it will look so much nicer. Subaru Impreza blue is my first choice with the aluminium polished up and ideally sealed with something to avoid corrosion.


madteg - 1/4/09 at 09:35 PM

!, sharp edge on rear refletors, 2, sharp edge on the choke. Better to be safe than sorry, but i must say it looks very nice.

craig1410 - 1/4/09 at 09:43 PM

I think the reflectors are okay but will check. I think the photo is perhaps misleading. The edges are certainly bevelled.

I think the choke is within the 100mm steering wheel exclusion zone but again I will check and add some trim if necessary. As you say, better safe...


dave1888 - 1/4/09 at 09:46 PM

Not sure about the rubber hose covering the airfilter brackets.

craig1410 - 1/4/09 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by dave1888
Not sure about the rubber hose covering the airfilter brackets.

Yeah I know, it's a bit crap but all I could come up with at short notice. Any suggestions what else I could use? I suppose I could use foam rubber and self amag tape but this would have to be replaced every time I took the air cleaner off. With the rubber hose it can be taken off and replaced. It is pretty tight and won't fall off - well not until after SVA anyway...


Dangle_kt - 1/4/09 at 10:09 PM

are the lights ok? do they dip to the side ok?

madteg - 1/4/09 at 10:11 PM

Air filters you could cut the bolt clamping point of completly and put a thin bead of polyurethane jut enough to hold them together.

blakep82 - 1/4/09 at 10:29 PM

that gallery site REALLY disagreed with my PC...

craig1410 - 1/4/09 at 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
are the lights ok? do they dip to the side ok?


Well spotted, they are motorcycle headlights which are not strictly speaking SVA friendly (didn't know that when I bought them from GTS)...

I've taken advice from others who have managed to get them through SVA by rotating the lens by 15 degrees. This gives a pattern which is very similar to a proper headlamp albeit not quite as sharply defined. Hopefully they will be okay but if not then I might be able to borrow some headlights from someone for the retest. I have no intention of driving it at night anyway but you've got to have lights for SVA of course.

Madteg, yes that would work but with SU carbs you do tend to have the air filters off and on quite a bit checking the jet height and balancing airflow so it could become a pain. Hopefully the inspector will be happy with the ugly rubber tubing but if he doesn't like it then I will have foam and self amalg tape on hand or even some contact adhesive to do what you are suggesting.

Blakep82, sorry the gallery didn't work for you, that's the first time I've heard of anyone having trouble. I think it makes a lot of use of Javascript - have you got it turned off by any chance? What browser are you using?

Cheers guys,

iscmatt - 1/4/09 at 11:24 PM

you have done exactly what i did with my headlights, mine were rotated about 7-10 degrees and passed no problems

Bonnet looks great too by the way, make sure you post up some more pics when you get it all painted up!!

Like the mac layout with mobileme, especially like how you can get the info on the camera settings maybe i'll have to get my subscription sorted sometime, i have made a whole website in iWeb lol but not published it!!

craig1410 - 1/4/09 at 11:56 PM

Originally posted by iscmatt
you have done exactly what i did with my headlights, mine were rotated about 7-10 degrees and passed no problems

Bonnet looks great too by the way, make sure you post up some more pics when you get it all painted up!!

Like the mac layout with mobileme, especially like how you can get the info on the camera settings maybe i'll have to get my subscription sorted sometime, i have made a whole website in iWeb lol but not published it!!

I like how easy it is to put up pictures with Mobile Me. I literally just plugged my card reader in (iPhoto automatically imported the photos), selected the 24 photos I wanted to upload and clicked "Share - Mobile Me Gallery" and that was it! 60 seconds at most!

I most certainly will post some more pics when I get it painted. As I said, I want to do a little bit of profiling first to soften some of the lumps and bumps but I like the idea of having the SU's visible and will probably get some chrome plated dashpots for it for some added bling!


AdamR - 2/4/09 at 08:19 AM

Nothing constructive to say re the SVA, but well done the car looks great. You've made a really good job of the bonnet and nosecone - I think the extended bulge looks just right.

Good luck!

BenB - 2/4/09 at 08:28 AM

? reflectors too low??? might be okay depending on your ride height

Generally though- very tidy!!!

pbs - 2/4/09 at 09:01 AM

Looking good Craig. Good luck for tommorrow. I will give you a call later and may pop down tonight if thats Ok. Let me know.

craig1410 - 2/4/09 at 09:24 AM

Hi Bruce,
I will be picking up a trailer late afternoon and getting it loaded up tonight ready for a 6am start to avoid rush hour traffic. My Mum & Dad are up overnight and my Dad will be towing the car tomorrow.

You are very welcome to come over although you might get more benefit from coming over on Friday evening and I can show you my fail points...

Let me know when you are coming over. Any time after 7 should be okay.

myke pocock - 2/4/09 at 10:52 AM

In the passengers footwell, is the transmission panelling too sharp on the top edge. I think anything over 150mm up from the floor is checked for edges as I failed on a small electronic ignition disabler.

myke pocock - 2/4/09 at 10:55 AM

Just looked again and the outer panelling that is turned over the chassis tube in the footwell has a sharp bottom edge. That may fail. I used some draft excluder self adhesive foam tape from B & Q for some sharp edges on my K & NH filter and that was acceptable.

rgrs - 2/4/09 at 01:13 PM

just a thought, have you checked the distance from the outside edge of the car to the start of the rear reflector (400mm max) ?

mine failed last week on the headlights (same as yours) as the tester stated that the beam patern didn't conform to the standards given.

good luck

JimM - 2/4/09 at 04:12 PM

Car looks great ... well put together.

Glasgow SVA inspection team are a pretty good bunch so hopefully you will get through first time.

Best of luck.


Simon - 2/4/09 at 07:39 PM


Nothing to add re SVA.

I like (a lot!) the way you've got around the carbs - nice detail. Car looks great

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow - get it reg'd on Sat ?



craig1410 - 2/4/09 at 09:58 PM

Thanks for all the advice guys, it's all trailered up and ready to go! I've also got insurance from Backford Bloor so if it is okay to drive home then once I'm clear of the motorway then I'll drive it the rest of the way home.

I'm told that there may be a DVLA inspector at the VOSA test centre and if so I might be able to get it inspected there and then. Anyway, I'm not going to put myself under pressure to get everything done in one day as I've had a busy few weeks both at work and with the car and I'm knackered!!

Will update you tomorrow to let you know how it went.


MautoK - 2/4/09 at 11:55 PM

Best of luck! Your car looks really good.