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Birmingham DVLA
Vindi_andy - 14/4/09 at 01:35 PM

Anyone know when the inspector is at birimingham offices.

Im Hoping (everything crossed for me) to pass SVA when I go next thursday 23rd april and given the SVA test site is directly accross the road from DVLA was hoping to get their inspection done at the same time.

stevec - 14/4/09 at 02:26 PM

They do them at Elmdon Trading Estate.
You can not go and get the built up inspection done without getting an appointment from the DVLA office in Edward street Birmingham.When I took my Mac certificate and all the stuff to register at Edward street they made an appointment for me at Elmdon while I was there. It was about 3 days later. The inspector at Elmdon then contacts Edward street and they send your tax disc and a Reg number to your address with a form to get your plates made.

Wonderful waste of time if you ask me.


andrewcutchey - 14/4/09 at 02:37 PM

And they insist on the car being on a trailer. Absolute waste of time, why can the SVA chap not tick the boxes for them?
Having said that at least we can still build and register our own cars.

Vindi_andy - 14/4/09 at 04:01 PM

in that case I wont bother trying to register at birmingham. Its a 50 mile round trip.

Only reason SVA was arranged there was because they could give me a later date than Notts.