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SVA Fail at Shrewsbury
Kosmo - 18/4/09 at 07:30 AM

Well as the title says failed at Shrewsbury yesterday, but actually was not expecting to pass from previous peoples experiences and quite pleased with fail points.

A few radius issues to fix but these will only take 2 hrs max, noise level 104.5 db which is what I measured on my meter so not really supprised but was hoping my test was not accurate, I think I can sort this with some soundproofing and re-packing the can.

The only other point was my speedo readout on my ETB Digidash.... because you can change the display not to display MPH all the time this was a fail ! I'm going to have a play with the settings today and speak to ETB on Monday, otherwis I have to install 2nd speedo.


nitram38 - 18/4/09 at 07:44 AM

Hi, an easily fixed fail, but I am worried about my veypor dash now.
Mine changes state at the press of a button too. You are not the first to fail and mention this.
I can access my odometer and menu's via a couple of buttons.
I am thinking of blanking the buttons off for my sva on Monday.
Meanwhile I am going to check the sva manual for clarification!

Update: just checked and it must be readable at all times, day or night.

Personally I think they mean by illumination, but this is now open to interpretation.
Does the odometer need to be accessible?
If not, it looks like I will be blanking the buttons off!

[Edited on 18/4/2009 by nitram38]

Kosmo - 18/4/09 at 08:17 AM

Nothing was mentioned about the odometer, just speedo, make sure the speedo displays the letters MPH to as this would be another fail.

Looking around all digital dash's have multi-functions and display can be changed !

Dangle_kt - 18/4/09 at 09:54 AM

unlucky! When have you rebooked for?

Kosmo - 18/4/09 at 10:17 AM

Retest booked for Fri 1st May, should be sorted by then, same tester is on site so should be no more that 30-60 mins

rgrs - 18/4/09 at 10:46 AM

Mine failed for the same reason (koso), tester suggested removing the button(s) for the re-test so it can't be changed.

He said that they had a recent memo to specifically look for this.


mangogrooveworkshop - 18/4/09 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by rgrs
Mine failed for the same reason (koso), tester suggested removing the button(s) for the re-test so it can't be changed.

He said that they had a recent memo to specifically look for this.


My Koso passed no problems ......

nitram38 - 19/4/09 at 01:43 PM

Just in case, I made an aluminium plate to cover the buttons on my Veypor VR2 dash so that it only shows MPH and RPM and covered that in leatherette.
The only downside is if my speedo is out, but I checked that against my sat nav and it appears spot on.
I'll find out's sva day!
I'm more likely to fail on noise or emmissions as these are borderline.