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SVA fail Carlisle
james h - 27/4/09 at 06:49 PM

Thankfully I failed my SVA today - at 9am this morning I didn't think I would have been able to present the car for inspection at all. (Broken sparkplug stuck in the engine)

There is a looooong list covering two pages of the things I need to sort, at least it gives me a target over the next few weeks

Thanks again to MkII for helping me with the spark plug.


MkII - 27/4/09 at 06:59 PM

well done on getting it to sva. could you give me a ring please I need my multimeter back.thanks. m.

skodaman - 27/4/09 at 07:11 PM

Care to elaborate on some of the fails James cos I'll have to take mine there someday. Too late for SVA mind.

james h - 27/4/09 at 09:24 PM

Most of the stuff I failed on was because I hadn't fitted it yet (e.g. dashboard, boot panel, clocks on dash).

I think it is the same as most places SVA wise from what I have heard.

Some things:

- Side repeaters (didn't think I needed these)
- Emissions (no cat)
- Headlight angles of visibility (need to be higher/bigger)
- Mirrors need putting on
- Indicator rate (no flashing at all, am using LED indicators all round)
- Wiring needs securing every 300mm or less in engine bay/boot area
- Brake pipe fouled on full lock on cycle wing
- Speedometer calibration

Lots of other small things, but as I say, at least it was a fail!


daniel mason - 27/4/09 at 09:36 PM

was andrew the tester mate? he tested mine and failed it a few weeks ago! he was fair though. i am back their on 11th may

james h - 27/4/09 at 09:55 PM

Yep he was, nice enough bloke. I agree, very fair! Good luck on your retest

daniel mason - 27/4/09 at 09:59 PM

i will need it mate. am running 5jj R1 on carbs and it overheated before emmissions am going back for emmissions!