Thankfully I failed my SVA today - at 9am this morning I didn't think I would have been able to present the car for inspection at all. (Broken
sparkplug stuck in the engine)
There is a looooong list covering two pages of the things I need to sort, at least it gives me a target over the next few weeks
Thanks again to MkII for helping me with the spark plug.
well done on getting it to sva. could you give me a ring please I need my multimeter back.thanks. m.
Care to elaborate on some of the fails James cos I'll have to take mine there someday. Too late for SVA mind.
Most of the stuff I failed on was because I hadn't fitted it yet (e.g. dashboard, boot panel, clocks on dash).
I think it is the same as most places SVA wise from what I have heard.
Some things:
- Side repeaters (didn't think I needed these)
- Emissions (no cat)
- Headlight angles of visibility (need to be higher/bigger)
- Mirrors need putting on
- Indicator rate (no flashing at all, am using LED indicators all round)
- Wiring needs securing every 300mm or less in engine bay/boot area
- Brake pipe fouled on full lock on cycle wing
- Speedometer calibration
Lots of other small things, but as I say, at least it was a fail!
was andrew the tester mate? he tested mine and failed it a few weeks ago! he was fair though. i am back their on 11th may
Yep he was, nice enough bloke. I agree, very fair! Good luck on your retest
i will need it mate. am running 5jj R1 on carbs and it overheated before emmissions am going back for emmissions!