I heard a while ago that there were rules being brought in that said you had to have the car checked by iva if you changed the engine or something to
this effect...does anyone know any more?
vague but I believe you're on about the rumours that DVLA is tightening up on people changing engines on their V5's - particularly relevant
for kit builders trying to avoid q plates.
evidence is sparse, but apparently they are now sometimes asking for photos as proof, or a written confirmation from a garage etc.
I think what some people were doing, was to buy a donor (Ford Sierra), get the V5, wait a while, then send the V5 in stating that they'd changed
the engine to a new one, say a small block Chevy V8 LS7, or a Duratec.
V5 comes back with the new engine number, even though they've never actually physically undertaken the transplant.
Then when it comes to building the kit / SVA / DVLA time, you've got a single donor vehicle, and if you were lucky, engine tested on the age of
the vehicle, rather than engine.....
I think the DVLA started to spot a wrong 'un when loads of Sierra's were having motorbike engines and big V8's fitted!
Was that a rumour being spread by PPC? If so I think it turned out not to be true in the end.
The DVLA has tightened up the rules for informing them of engine changes, initially it was only for when engines got smaller and went down the tax
band, but now everyone has to follow the same rules.
DVLA will need written evidence of any changes to engine number and cylinder capacity (cc). Written evidence can be:
* a receipt for the replacement engine
* written evidence from the manufacturer
* an inspection report provided for insurance purposes
* written confirmation on headed paper from a garage if the change in engine size took place before you bought the vehicle
How would that work if the replacement engine came from another car?