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Woohoo!!! got my inspection date! only 4 weeks to WAIT!!
b16mts - 10/7/09 at 06:24 PM


after spending ages trying to sort money out i finally sent my forms off to register the tiger 2 weeks ago. got a reponse last week saying i missed off my proof of insurance, so they sent every single thing back!!!! anywho, i wrote a snotty covering letter and sent my insurance back with it all on wednesday, and got a letter this morning saying i have an appointment at chester DVLA on the 4th August!! a little way off then!

Though it doesn't state anything about how i get the car there, do i risk it and play dumb?

anywho, another slight issue was that i wanted to put it straight onto a private plate i have on retention (can you guess what it is?), though i cannot find my retention cert. I stated in a letter with the first attempt that i wanted to do this and how do i go about it, their written response was to send the retention cert "with the relevant sections filled in" with my other wtuff to do it that way. well as i dont have it a called the DVLA, and they said i need to write a letter to them saying i needed a new one etc, and an explanation as to why i'd lost it (?), then they'd send it out, but it could take some time as they have backlogs! so i said to the woman on the phone that i was only doing this to try to save them time and money, as it wasn't gonna cost me anything to put the plate on at a later time. to which she agreed and said to speed things up i may aswell stick on whatever plate they give me, then transfer the private one on as soon as i can!! Well this is free to me, but will cost them lots in manhours swapping tax disk and V5 over etc.

dosey buggers can't even make their own life easier.

oh well rant over!

car might be ready for the winter!


BenB - 10/7/09 at 06:29 PM

I suppose it depends whether they're planning on giving you a new plate or an age related plate or a Q plate. Some reg cars (Q's IIRC) you can't put a private plate onto... Not sure re age-related....

Richard Quinn - 10/7/09 at 08:20 PM

As one of the functions of the inspection is to determine age related, Q or new based on your component sources and evidence, I would suggest that they need to determine what you are elligible for before agreeing the transfer as you can't transfer on a Q plate

mad-butcher - 10/7/09 at 09:33 PM

chester are fussy about correct documentation, very much doubt if you could put it straight on a retained plate.
practise your trailer reversing for this carpark


Richard Quinn - 10/7/09 at 10:36 PM

Hey Tony, that's not fair! I never got that much info - You just told me that the car park was interesting!

mad-butcher - 11/7/09 at 08:29 AM

Richard, Don't say anything but wait untill he parks on the main road then has to run in, jump the Q to ask them to lift the barrier all before hitler arrives with his book of raffle tickets, then the CAR PARK.


myke pocock - 11/7/09 at 08:50 AM

DONT, drive it there. If they are jobsworths they could refuse to inspect it. Not worth the potential hassle. I had to take my JC Midge for inspection before the log book was changed from Triumph Vitesse Sports to JC Midge. Got a letter to say all four wheels of the road. Contacted them to say dont have a trailer and they said if I A framed it they could refuse to check it.