Took my car for its third MOT today.Luckily the test station I use is switched on to kit cars and classics etc.They put the reg details into the
computer and it had no emission details apart from first reg 2004 which meant it needed a cat test.They tried the probe in the exhaust but obviously
it was way out on what is required having no cat and being set up rich at idle.
After some debating they managed to find a work around on the system and passed it.
Previously the system showed visible smoke test only as the car is on an age related 1968 G reg.Apparently this is starting to happen quite frequently
on cars and bikes that are non standard.
When I received my V5 back from the DVLA it was full of mistakes so I took it back to the local office (oxford) to get it sorted out. The woman who
had first registed my car remembered me and was very helpful and got the V5 ammended.
On the front page of the V5 it now states the SVA date (so I don't need to show MoT when retaxing) and also visual emmissons check only for MoT
(once required) - result!
I think my V5 states it but for some reason the MOT system does not, although it did last year.I will remember to take the V5 with me next year.
Originally posted by WestfieldSEI
When I received my V5 back from the DVLA it was full of mistakes so I took it back to the local office (oxford) to get it sorted out. The woman who had first registed my car remembered me and was very helpful and got the V5 ammended.
On the front page of the V5 it now states the SVA date (so I don't need to show MoT when retaxing) and also visual emmissons check only for MoT (once required) - result!
I just mot mine mot'd like it said on the logbook 1 year old if the car has a age related number plate the rules state that it req's a mot
in the 1st year
if it is asigned a new rag then its 3 years for the 1st mot
[Edited on 7/23/2009 by DRC INDY 7]
I have an age -related plate and was told (even got it in writing) that I do not need an MoT for three years...
Originally posted by WestfieldSEI
I have an age -related plate and was told (even got it in writing) that I do not need an MoT for three years...
Originally posted by WestfieldSEI
When I received my V5 back from the DVLA it was full of mistakes so I took it back to the local office (oxford) to get it sorted out. The woman who had first registed my car remembered me and was very helpful and got the V5 ammended.
Originally posted by x_flow57
Originally posted by WestfieldSEI
I have an age -related plate and was told (even got it in writing) that I do not need an MoT for three years...
Mines on an age related plate and was MOT'd for the first time this month after 3 years.
Yes I also Moted mine for the first time when it had be the road for 3 years.This was its 3rd mot as its been on the road for 5 years and never
previously had a problem.