had dvla inspection on tues . just heard today that my chassis number is no good and they will issue a new one !! i had already stamped my made up one into chassis and it was good enough for every but dvla. 17 numbers/letters made from my two little girls dates of birth!! thought it was a nice personal touch ! obviously dvla thought different.
has to start with an s to denote uk
and no o or i
and maybe some others.....
i done the same as you.....birthdate of of daughter intails etc....dvla brum had no problems with it
Originally posted by gavin174
has to start with an s to denote uk
and no o or i
and maybe some others.....
Mine starts with a c and it was fine for Maidstone DVLA. They dont know what is going on themselves
Mine starts with H and has both o and 0 in it. They had no problem with it. It all seems a bit inconsistent.
It seems to vary from region to region.
I know that Preston do not like home made and most of the issued numbers seem to be starting SABTVR.
This is for home done chassis rather then bought in ones, if that makes any difference.
With other replies in mind i can only think that the number has already been allocated.
Ask them why the number is not acceptable.
Argue your corner but don't be aggressive
i had a problem with my made up chassis no.
was told it was preferred if i was issued with one..
i have a home built chassis and was given
DVLA Preston assigned me a chassis number after I had chosen my own.
Is it not the case that if the car is eligible for age related plates then a made up number is ok but if it is going the Q plate then they prefer to
issue a number? I heard that somewhere but doen't know if its an old wives tale?!
Could be useful as its a job on my Sunday list.
Neil, As you'll be going through Maidstone DVLA it doesn't matter. You can make your own chassis number. Age Related or Q Plate doesn't
Sounds like old wives tale to me.