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10" mountney steering wheel and MSVA
smart51 - 19/10/09 at 09:42 AM

I have a 10" mountney steering wheel attached to my 3 wheeler. Will this be MSVAable (with a padded cover over the centre)? It won't have any sharp edges but will the tester be a bit arsey over a non-production steering system?

blakep82 - 19/10/09 at 09:45 AM

he shouldn't be. check the manual. unless its changed, non production steering wheels are acceptable

Bare metal spokes are allowed as long as they conform to the edge radius requirements. Components likely to catch in the driver’s clothing or jewellery are not permitted.
Note: It is possible to fit an 'aftermarket' steering wheel which has been approved for use on any design of column. These will be referred to as “Separate Technical Units”. If the presenter can provide satisfactory documentary evidence that this is the case, a “Separate Technical Unit” may be acceptable.

[Edited on 19/10/09 by blakep82]

matt_claydon - 19/10/09 at 11:57 AM

If I remember correctly there are no interior fittings requirements for MSVA. You would be best to check the manual though to be sure.

smart51 - 19/10/09 at 07:41 PM

You're right. There is no section on the interior of the vehicle. The only reference to the steering wheel is to turn it to check nothing fouls and the section on external projections just seems concerned with the outside. I might not even bother with a crash pad then.