Hi All
Just a few questions.
1. Do i need a reverse light for IVA?
2. If so I saw a Reverse light/Rear fog in one unit on the bay but can't seem to find it know. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
No you dont.
thats what i call a quick reply.
Thanks Speedy
Yes you do!
Section 29 of the IVA manual requires 1 mandatory
But its a good idea to have one, regardless of it being a legal requirement or not.
Thanks all
Don't want both reverse and fog lights on back off car. Is there anywhere I can get a reverse/ fog light in one unit???
just bolt on one of the standard rectangular reverse lights on a bracket from underneath...
switch on dash..
and remove after test.....
OK if you can get above Minimum height 250 mm.
Cheers all
Have a look tomorrow
download the IVA manual... it will tell you everything you need...
I went though the manual and wrote notes on all the points you can compress it from a hefty manual into a couple of pages...
Definately the first port of call for IVA questions and then get advice on here for clarification