This was just posted on our forum though I would pass it on.
Postby Wingco on Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:43 pm
I have just received copy of a VOSA Directive. It reads:-
"Dear All
At a recent meeting with the DfT I was given an action to remind those people who have recently passed an M1 (car) SVA retest to ensure that their
vehicle is registered with DVLA by the end of December 2009. You will recall that SVA certificates will not be accepted by DVLA for M1 (cars) vehicles
as evidence of approval for registration after the end of December.
May I ask you to contact those people who have recently had a car SVA retest, and been issued with a certificate to remind them of this date.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Regards John
Head of Light Vehicle Approvals
Roadworthiness & Testing Policy Group
Strategy and Performance Directorate
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency
01635 41823/07710 834944"
So if anyone has passed an SVA and not yet registered their car with DVLA you need to get it done by the end of this month otherwise you will need to
put it through the new IVA test!
I bet there will be a post early in the new year that starts with "F*****g DVLA won't accept my MAC"
Thats ^^^ what I thought.
"When does a MAC run out?" has come up at least twice recently and the dates been posted!
If you put the paperwork in today you'd be lucky to get registered by the 31st. The info says registered by 31st Dec, not applied for. I'd
be worried if I was in that position.