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IVA to Registration
gy351100 - 4/1/10 at 04:59 PM

Hi all
What is the sequence of events from IVA to registration.
The reason for the question is. I wrote to my local DVLA office (Carlisle) asking for a VIN No to put on my IVA application and was told (via a scribbled hand written note) to complete the enclosed V55/5 and the Build Up Inspection Report and send any registration documents (having been told no donor vehicle was used) and receipts.
When they receive these they will arrange for an inspection appointment.
Then "Quote as the vehicle has no chassis No we can allocate it a chassis No"

Barmy or what

Cheers Keith

Bluemoon - 4/1/10 at 05:13 PM

Get them to issue it.. Or make it up, instructions on what can/can not be included are on here somewhere.. Best bet is getting one issued, otherwise you run the risk of needing to change it again.. This DVLA bit is a bit of a nightmare, it will pass!


Chippy - 4/1/10 at 05:27 PM

If I remember correctly, you can't get S/IVA'd without a chassis/vin number, and according to the dim wit DVLA you can't have a chassis/vin number untill it's been S/IVA'd, or at least thats how mine went. So what I did was to make up my own chassis/vin number, go to the local DVLA and get them to agree that it was OK to use it, girl on the counter said "Fine". After my, then, SVA the DVLA inspector said I would have to change it, told him that I had agreed it with them, and after some argy bargy they agreed to allow it. What a load of tossers they are, real jobs worths. Cheers Ray

pewe - 4/1/10 at 05:59 PM

U2U sent.

ashg - 4/1/10 at 07:27 PM

i wrote to them asking for a vin week later one arrived in the post with all the paperwork required.

DavidM - 4/1/10 at 11:20 PM

Originally posted by gy351100
Hi all
What is the sequence of events from IVA to registration.
The reason for the question is. I wrote to my local DVLA office (Carlisle) asking for a VIN No to put on my IVA application and was told (via a scribbled hand written note) to complete the enclosed V55/5 and the Build Up Inspection Report and send any registration documents (having been told no donor vehicle was used) and receipts.
When they receive these they will arrange for an inspection appointment.
Then "Quote as the vehicle has no chassis No we can allocate it a chassis No"

Barmy or what

Cheers Keith

It seems clear to me. Complete the form they've requested and send it with the relevant paperwork. Take your car to the appointment they give you and once they've inspected it, they'll allocate a chassis number.
