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SVA Date
Hellfire - 22/4/04 at 11:39 AM

Got an SVA date for Tuesday 11th May swiftly followed by a letter stating that due to staff shortages it had been put back to 17th May

Then, after sending a polite letter saying we were quite flexible with dates and times, got a phone call this morning saying a cancellation had ocurred and can we do next Tuesday problem. Just got to sort a few minor things such as insurance and MOT now................

timcrasher - 22/4/04 at 01:20 PM

Hope your test goes well. It's not that daunting after all.
I am just waiting for a retest date for hopefully next week.
Good luck

j30fos - 22/4/04 at 02:12 PM

Good luck hellfire, the build looks very good so it should go through.

Mk-Ninja - 22/4/04 at 07:49 PM

All the best mate. You should enjoy it.

Lightning - 23/4/04 at 10:19 PM

Good luck mate, I'm sure you will walk it.

Car looks great BTW !

Hellfire - 24/4/04 at 04:39 PM

We just got a cancellation for next Tuesday 28th!!!!

Passed MOT today (Saturday. The drive there was awesome!)

macspeedy - 24/4/04 at 04:47 PM

good luck, you don't need it

Hellfire - 24/4/04 at 04:54 PM