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IVA Paperwork
Jaybeee - 26/3/10 at 11:29 PM

Hi all

I spoke to Paul Jepson today re starting the IVA and vehicle registration process. Paul asked me to find some information to help with the process. The information I need help with is Top Speed, Revs at Top Speed and the BHP. My engine is the standard Ford Serria 1.6 setup with standard Carb and Typr 9 Gearbox.

Can anyone help with this info.


Nash - 27/3/10 at 12:02 AM

try these pages

You don't specify what car?


blakep82 - 27/3/10 at 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Nash
try these pages

You don't specify what car?


i'd guess robin hood 2B

Bluemoon - 27/3/10 at 09:37 AM

The max speed is for the tires, so make sure they are correctly rated (i.e. do not get to optimistic about the speed you can do).
