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Cheeky request reciprocated...
spunky - 5/5/04 at 10:07 AM

Hi all,
Got SVA date today. Nottingham 24th May, 8.30am...

If anybody wishes to join me and get a feel of what to expect they are very welcome.

Now gonna run around the car panicking...


Kitlooney1000 - 5/5/04 at 08:25 PM

youll be ok, make sure your brake lines are not in contact with anything other than the clips, if they are splice open a piece of fuel line and put that round it. that was my main problem

spunky - 5/5/04 at 09:05 PM

Thanks Kitlooney,
That is definately the easiest solution as I can disconnect the bone and feed it through, saves bleeding the system again.

Mind you, I'd be a happy man if thats all it failed on...

PS. replying on a different thread confused me there for a minute....

timcrasher - 6/5/04 at 06:44 AM

Good luck John, it wont be long now.
I'm still waiting for a flippin reg number. I've got to take my car to Lincoln on Monday for an inspection, and then they will issue the number and a tax disc.
Lincoln DVLA seem very helpfull in some ways, but very slow in others!!!
Hope your test goes ok