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IVA - Dashboard Exempt Area
embraboy - 3/4/10 at 09:57 PM

In the IVA manual there is a defined area (basically - behind steering wheel plus 127mm "bandwidth" plus all dashboard to the right of the wheel) which is exempt from the minimum radius etc. requiements - all as detailed in Annex 1 to Section 12 of the manual.

I notice in the latest Car Builder Solutions catalogue (p39 of the pdf) that they state that, for open top vehcicles, the minimim radii rules apply across the whole width of the dash.

I can't see anything in the manual to support this. There are rules about the dividing line between inerior and exterior where the vehicle does not have a roof/hood but I don't think these impact the exempt zone regs.

Have CBS got it wrong? I hope so or I need some new gauges and siwtches......

LBMEFM - 4/4/10 at 06:11 AM

I can only quote on my own personal experience at SVA. I have a MK Indy with no screen or top, but I think the same applies to enclosed cars, as I and the inspector at Gillingham SVA understood it, the area behind the steering wheel + a bandwidth are exempt. All other areas of the dash have to conform with the minimum radii rules. Therefore I would suggest that Car Builder Solutions are correct.

[Edited on 4/4/10 by LBMEFM]

[Edited on 4/4/10 by LBMEFM]

loggyboy - 4/4/10 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by LBMEFM
I can only quote on my own personal experience at SVA. I have a MK Indy with no screen or top, but I think the same applies to enclosed cars, as I and the inspector at Gillingham SVA understood it, the area behind the steering wheel + a bandwidth are exempt. All other areas of the dash have to conform with the minimum radii rules. Therefore I would suggest that Car Builder Solutions are correct.

[Edited on 4/4/10 by LBMEFM]

[Edited on 4/4/10 by LBMEFM]

You mean they are incorrect?!

blakep82 - 4/4/10 at 11:10 AM

but the manual says any area to the right of the wheel between the the wheel and the 'nearest inner sidewall' are exampt. if you have no window (and no pillars) and no door, so effectively, no 'inner sidewall' its a very good question.

i would say CBS are wrong, as its in the manual, but i guess its down to the inspectors interpretation

speedyxjs - 4/4/10 at 05:26 PM

I agree with Blake. The manual clearly states that there is an excemption area. If the minimum radius applied to the whole dash, why have that section in the manual?