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Passenger seat
macspeedy - 9/5/04 at 05:44 PM

I am looking at putting my car through sav without a passenger seat would this be a problem.. radia in passenger area?.. regestered no of occupants?..

billy - 9/5/04 at 07:37 PM

i think they would class your car as a single seater if you do that. so im told....cheers

Hellfire - 9/5/04 at 11:42 PM

IMHO you would still need to follow SVA rules regarding radii. There is no stipulation in the manual to say otherwise. It's a general statement that says nothing regarding different for single seater vehicle... also I think it would be an insult to his intelligence Afterall, you would add another seat after SVA wouldn't you?

Peteff - 10/5/04 at 08:47 AM

It has been done.

macspeedy - 10/5/04 at 04:02 PM

think i'll just buy the other seat!

Mix - 10/5/04 at 05:50 PM

Good idea. Will stop the examiner thinking you're just taking the piss.
