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Well This is it.. IVA Wednesday
FrankP - 26/4/10 at 06:01 PM


Well after all the hard work I have my IVA on wedneday PM at Nottingham.

Plan is to spend tommorrow at Aires with Steve going over the car - changing the steering wheel to a standard sierra, and fixing the covering on the front steering.

So hopefull all being well I can start hasseling the DVLA on thursday for my Q plate ....

Will report back on Wednesday PM
Thanks to everyone here for their advice and help.



eznfrank - 26/4/10 at 06:03 PM

good luck mate, hope it all goes ok.


Daddylonglegs - 26/4/10 at 06:28 PM

All the best

Hoping not to be too long before I'm in the dentist chair mode waiting for my IVA test results


l0rd - 26/4/10 at 07:17 PM

Good luck.

I wish you have a successfull day with a flying pass.

eddie99 - 26/4/10 at 07:18 PM

Good Luck, keep us posted!