Gave the car a bit of a pre IVA thrash about today..
when i checked everything over afterward i found the gearbox has moved more than i thought it would.
It has put a dent in copper fuel pipe in tunnel.
I obviously want to change it before IVA,can i run copper or braided fuel hose on the outside of tunnel in the passenger compartment..
What about a stiffer gearbox mount? Shouldn't move too much or is the pipe pretty close?
Wouldn't want a fuel line in the passenger side as I don't think it would just look right.
as said, i would go for a stiffer mount, or re route the fuel pipe down the tunnel still but out off the way, or in rubber or braided for a
I would NOT put any fuel pipe in the cab / passenger area.
In the event of a fire, you want this as far away from people as possible.
Check the IVA rules, as I am sure there was something in the SVA manual about it.
Certainly you cannot run fuel and electric alongside each other. (A bit obvious really)
I have my fuel and electrics on opposite sides of the tunnel and inside the tunnel.
I have messed up.. I ran the brake lines fuel lines and electrics before i put the engine and box in..
the rear of the box was close to the fuel pipe, but i thought i would be ok.
the main problem is I made my tunnel top out of steel and rivetted in and fillered the edges..
I will probably have to bite the bullet and take it all off.....
Originally posted by wilkingj
Certainly you cannot run fuel and electric alongside each other. (A bit obvious really)
"The fuel tank must be positioned so that in the event of a leak the fuel could not accumulate or find a path to the passenger
The manual says that about the tank, doesn't mention anything specific about pipes.