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IVA - Aeroscreen & Steering wheel Zone Radius Relaxation
Mal - 26/5/10 at 05:25 AM

In a comment to a thread on here recently, someone said that if a car had an aero or fly screen presented for an IVA test then the radius relaxation behind the steering wheel was not allowed. This included the plus 127mm extra added to the steering wheel radius and the need for the column and the back face of the steering wheel.
If this is correct I shall have to change the
toggle switches I have for the dash to rocker ones and do some work to the steering wheel area.
I have looked in the IVA manual but not found any guidance.
Your knowledge and experience would be appreciated.


cd.thomson - 26/5/10 at 05:39 AM

i was tested last wednesday and the radius exemption zone was still valid

eznfrank - 26/5/10 at 05:55 AM

You can get those little waterproof covers for toggle switches which I think meet radius requirement

Mal - 26/5/10 at 02:53 PM

Thanks for your comments gents.
I guess you cant get better than a pass last week!

