Hi guys,
Just doing last minute job pre SVA.
I've set the brake bias where I want it, I understand that Mr Inspector requires a roll pin or similar fitting into the bar.
Where exactly does he want it, and do I need one both ends.
I think the conclusion was that it should be pinned in a way that you cant adjust it without removing the pin/pins.
Thank you MK,
I fitted a FIAT uno brake reduction valve in a simple bracket,a nut welded on the top to take bolt for adjustment with a hole through it for pin
On my test i decided to take a chance and removed the screw/bolt for adjustment,it passed the braking test ok.
I did have a bit of a debate with the examiners,they said it was adjustable and i argued the point that only with an adjusting bolt which was not
I may well have been lucky and set my valve in the bracket at just the right position.
You are allowed to have bias adjustable brakes, but you must not be able to adjust them outside the allowed range.