As above, loads of BEC's around using an engine from a damaged bike, and recon diff's etc etc on a new 2010 plate for example.
Loads of cobra reps around using an old engine with old running gear and get a new plate.
My own project is all new parts bar the engine/box/diff. All of which are being fully reconditioned.
Who has had the above and got a new plate? How many of those receipts were 'ebay' type ones?
[Edited on 27/6/10 by franky]
Think you will find that these cars had ''new' diffs
for new reg yours would have to have had new diff & gearbox with receipts and engine recond 'as new'.
It can be any major reconditioned part, like a gearbox or transmission too.
But only one part allowed
Mine totalled 22K for the MotaLeira, I got an 09 plate last year
[Edited on 27/6/2010 by nitram38]
I got an 09 plate with a used bike engine and gearbox.
They counted it as one as it was a complete bike engine and gearbox unit.
Didn't even need to re-build it since I could prove it had only done 1340 miles from new, which they accepted as being new.
Big pile of receipts for everything else being new, and a high quality build (even if I do say so myself) seemed to help.