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Balance Bars and the Law
PeteS2k - 11/7/10 at 10:03 AM

In the last couple of years we've had balance bars needing to be pinned under SVA, welded under IVA, back to being pinned being ok under IVA, and now pinned with a label warning that adjustment could invalidate approval. Which raises a couple of questions...

- What is the legal position on having an adjustable brake bias setup (e.g.. remote knob on the dash) on a road car?

- If my car was IVAd with a welded bar, am I in breach of Construction and Use regulations if I change it in any way, remote adjustable or not?

Although my brake balance passed IVA, it was in no way optimised - something I'd like to be able to do - provided I'm not likely to fall foul of any future MOTs or random roadside checks etc.

ReMan - 11/7/10 at 10:47 AM

AFAIK it's perfectly (road) legal to have adjustable brake bias.
Just another incoonsistency between LAW/IVA/MOT/DVLA/VOSA

britishtrident - 11/7/10 at 03:21 PM

Just because you can do a thing dosn't mean it is good idea.

A dashboard knob introduces a temptation to fiddle, a sudden unexpected lock up due too much rear brake bias is one of the quickest ways to put a car through a hedge backwards.

Stick to an adjusting the balance at the pedals, set it up on well surfaced, smooth clean dry tarmac, err very slightly towards the fronts consistantly locking first --- job done for road use you will never need to adjust it again.

For track use in the wet 1 to 1.5 turns in the wet is all that normally is required.