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Legal position on single donor kit
cliftyhanger - 14/7/10 at 07:17 AM

Long story....a friend build a quantum kitcar about 10 years (possibly more!) from a fiesta XR2. He ran it for a few years, engine played up and it has sat in his garage since, and he now has better toys (Noble)
I understand he never did anything about the reg document as it met the old points system when it was built, but wandering if that may cause problems if I bought the car? Any pointers??

Humbug - 14/7/10 at 07:25 AM

If you mean it's still on the Fiesta registration then at the very least it is incorrectly registered. The "old points system" still required something to be tested as the Quantum did not use the unmodified Fiesta chassis, even though a lot of parts were used. I'm also assuming it wasn't SVAd?

Was it actually built before SVA came in (1998 I think)? If so, then you would need evidence that it existed as a Quantum before then (MOTs saying Quantum, photos, ???) and ask pretty please can you change the V5 for me. They might not agree as I think there was an amnesty for incorrectly registered kits up to about 2000 (anyone confirm?), in which case you would presumably need to IVA the car.

Good luck

40inches - 14/7/10 at 07:43 AM

As Humbug says, if it is registered as a Fiesta it will have to go through IVA, there was an amnesty up untill around March 2002, if my memory has not totally gone
You could try using the old amnesty rules and ask DVLA for a new V5, using old pre SVA MOT's as proof, you never know, someone at DVLA might let it through

stevebubs - 14/7/10 at 05:04 PM

Is there any proof it was a Quantum pre-1997 when SVA was introduced?

Steve Hignett - 14/7/10 at 06:41 PM

As above (sort of) I thought the amnesty went to end of 2001...