Hi all,
anyone know if this kind of switch is IVA safe:
Seems the criteria is "would be likely to retract or detach with no sharp edges when subjected to an impact of 40Kgf". Short of belting one
with a hammer, that seems a bit vague to me. Anyone passed/been failed on one?
look at the exempt areas of the dashboard. it depends where you are putting the switch, if they're in the exempt area, then fine. if not, then i dobt they'd pass, but they do look rounded enough
They may well pass when closed but will fail open
Which function on your car is so dangerous that it requires these monstrosities?
Are you thinking of fitting Hellfire Rockets to your cycle-wings or roll-bar?
I have one in the middle of my dash for my fog switch. Looks like i may have to change it now.
I'll probably stick all the switches in the exempt zone anyway, I was just wondering how much flexibility I have to move stuff around. If in
doubt, I'll err on the side of safety.
Originally posted by scootz
Which function on your car is so dangerous that it requires these monstrosities?
Are you thinking of fitting Hellfire Rockets to your cycle-wings or roll-bar?