Evening all,I am nearing the end of my Westy build and need to fit a imobilisor for the IVA.At the moment I have the ignition key and nothing
else.Being as though pennies are in short supply I didnt fancy forking out for a electronic system and wondered if any body had any experience of
fitting some thing else that would keep the IVA man happy.I was thinking something along the lines of a simple key operated switch that cut the juice
to the fuel pump, sited in the boot box area.Any thoughts or ideas greatly received.
I fitted a transponder immobiliser, i got one from maplins it's a three circuit cut, and only cost £20
as long as ur good with wires/electrics they are easy to fit
it was fine for my sva i guess would be ok for iva but sure someone will know
You dont need the Immobilizer if your key works the steering lock and ignition.
If you do fit an immobilizer then you will need to get a certificate.
Thats the way I read the iva manual anyway.
hi - you don't need a certificate now - there was an amendment to the test.
I bought a simple motorbike immobiliser for about £20 and it worked fine.