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Engine change dvla tax question
Johneturbo - 19/8/10 at 08:43 AM

As you might of read in a thread i'm thinking about an engine change 05R1 to 06/07 zzr1400

now at sva march last year it was tested on emissions for an engine of that year
it was also registured on a current plate so 09, and i'm paying £125 a year tax which i think is band F in the new tax class

what will happen if/when i change to the zzr1400 will it need to be tested for emissions or will i stay in the same class as it's still a bike engine? Hmmmm

ETA the class i'm in also looks the same as the old before 1 march 2001 ie under 1549 £125
so as kitcars are we put in the old class

[Edited on 19/8/10 by Johneturbo]

dinosaurjuice - 19/8/10 at 09:11 AM

as far as i know all kitcars are put in the old class based on cc's. CO2 emissions testing costs a fortune so its not done unless your a major manufacturer.

Still be under 1549 so wont change. Not sure if theres a charge for changing an engine number. Probably is knowing dvla!

matt_gsxr - 19/8/10 at 09:14 AM

MOT emissions

"Vehicles Fitted with a differnt engine

Test according to which is older, engine or vehicle.
e.g. A 1995 car fitted with a 1991 engine (of whatever make), test to 1991 standards for emission purposes.



Johneturbo - 19/8/10 at 09:20 AM

Yep at MOT time i know i'd have to be emission tested on the current engine at the time of test? 2006/2007 zzr1400

just wanted to make sure i don't change road tax class..
but i think i should stay the same as what dinosaurjuice said!

adithorp - 19/8/10 at 09:45 AM

Emmisions limits at MOT will be the same as at SVA.
Tax will remain, as with all kits, based on capacity of the engine: So that won't change either.
