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I think I need help getting through the IVA
bigpig - 23/10/10 at 09:02 AM

Well nearly there.
Car is pretty much prepped other than emissions check and wheel alignment now.
Bought a trailer which it fits on nicely
Tin top has tow hitch.
Just the final the last month I've had to do 40 hrs over time and its only the 23
rd, I can't see it getting much better and to cap it off I may now need my own car for occasional commute, so that's the last of my free time gone.

Every flipping time I get nearer to the IVA something gets in the way.

I think I'm near the stage where I may need to sell up and get something like an MX5 as a compromise between the Indy and a sensible tin top. Even my motorcycle is now resting behind a child's play board because I need to do the valve shims and don't have time.

Dangle_kt - 23/10/10 at 09:30 AM

I know what you mean, I faced a similar problem.

I had to decide whether the kit car was a toy, or something more - i made the choice to treat it as a toy, and nothing more - so I wasn't annoyed it wasn't more practical.

That way I wasn't tempted to make it a compromise - it was what it was, and didn't become a "master of none".

I paid to get my car moving, but the guy gave me good advise when it came to the last bit of the build - he could do it, but it would be paying through the nose for work I could do myself.

I had some time off, and used it to get it done.

It seems like you have everything in order, except some time

Selling now, you will get buttons for it, bad time of year, bad time full stop actually with recession etc, plus its not finished so you'll be of the many "99% complete" kits on ebay.

An MX5 is a good option, especially with a hard top, id consider one if the insurance wasn;t so much compared to my kit - it annoys me as the kit is loads quicker, but still cheaper!

You could moth ball it till you have a bit more time? Maybe over xmas?

ReMan - 23/10/10 at 09:35 AM

Yea it's a bummer , but that sounds like normal life to me.
Given the time of year you arent going to be doing much pleasure driving in anything though, so I'd say hold on in there for now and do what bits you can, it's not going to cost anthing sitting still and see how you feel in the spring.
Sorry I cant offer you much by way of time mysef, but if you need a quick ride out if it's dry at the weekend for inspiration, just shout

Daddylonglegs - 23/10/10 at 01:53 PM

I think you, me and many others are in the same boat mate. I look on it now as winter is here, not going to be too much driving weather so I can wile away the cold wiinter evenings in the garage with the TV and heater on getting the car finished. I will try to get it IVA'd over the winter and not worry if it fails as it won't be the time of the year to drive much anyhow.

As already said, treat it as a 'back-burner' project and it won't seem such a chore. I have a broken discovery I need to sort anyhow so will just work on the kit as and when I can.

With any luck she may be on the road when the looong hot summer comes (I wish).


bigpig - 23/10/10 at 05:49 PM

Thanks for the advice guys.

I tried to sit in an MX5. I emphasise "tried" Its OK if I want to use my knee caps as ear muffs and had tyrannosaurus proportioned arms.

I was planning to get my IVA done for my birthday but that's been missed now.

I had a look at a hyundai coupe. Only to find the insurance is around 600 quid for a 700 quid car. FFS I'm flipping 42 not 18, my VTR1000F is only £120 a year.