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horn switch position
davrus - 8/11/10 at 06:32 PM

Hi all

I was thinking of putting my horn button on the dashboard next to the steering coloum.
Obviously with it there it will be behind the steering wheel and perhaps out of view.

Now my question is will that be an issue on i,v,a.

I have looked at the i.v.a manual but cant see anything about the switch location.

thanks for your time in reading


big_wasa - 8/11/10 at 07:24 PM

I hope not, its where ive put mine.

adithorp - 8/11/10 at 07:33 PM

I passed SVA like that.


austin man - 8/11/10 at 08:09 PM

I put mine on the tunnel initially as it was easier to hit when needed, Hav now wiret it to what was once the rear wash switch on the wirper arm as it isnt require when you havent got a screen

davrus - 8/11/10 at 09:38 PM

Thats good then, behind the steering wheel it is then

Cheers guys