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IVA & Lift the dot studs
rallyingden - 8/11/10 at 07:14 PM

After reading this in a post ............... Press studs are a no no for Iva
I am concerned as I plan to use Lift the Dot studs and plates for my boot cover. They do meet the radius requirements so why would they be a "No No"

Any advise please


These .....


[Edited on 8/11/10 by rallyingden]

Bluemoon - 8/11/10 at 09:22 PM

I doubt it the radius of the "ball" is to small.. Same for tenax fasteners (these are better than lift the dot IMHO).. You just need to meet the radius requirements, can't remember them off the top of my head.. I suspect the normal pop fasteners might be able to pass if low enough profile and blunted (check the IVA manual), it would be simple to change them to Tenex after IVA if you use nuts and bolts (as these are attached via a BA2 thread, and hold on the fabric side via a largish hole (6mm, need to check?).

[Edited on 8/11/10 by Bluemoon]

ReMan - 8/11/10 at 11:52 PM

If in doubt, leave it off, or a temporary velcro cover till after test

rallyingden - 9/11/10 at 06:04 PM

Diameter of stud is 6.18mm therefore the radius of the dome is haflf this IVA is 3mm limit.
I have written to Vosa for advice.


rallyingden - 15/11/10 at 02:24 PM

Just got this reply from VOSA

Testing and Support Services (TaSS)
Padley Road,
SA1 8AN.
Good afternoon morning Mr.Pendleton ,

Thank you for your enquiry which has been passed to me due to its technical
nature. This has caused a delay in you receiving a reply, for which I

This issue is covered under section 16 (Exterior Projections) of the IVA
manual. I have copied a link to the latest version of the manual below:

From this you will see that if the fastening protrudes more than 5mm from
the surface of the bodywork the dome would require a radius of curvature of
at least 2.5mm. However, if it protrudes less than 5mm from the surface of
the bodywork the dome would only require to be blunted. Having carried out
a crude measuring exercise, using the photograph supplied, it would appear
that using your measurement of the dome at 6mm, the fastening protrudes
more than 5mm and would therefore simply require a radius of curvature of
at least 2.5mm, which at 6mm diameter, (and assuming the dome is completely
spherical) it would.

I do hope this information is helpful, but should you have any further
questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

So going ahead with lift the dot studs.......