Went to Chadderton at 8am this morning for retest, all going well till he asked me to turn on my fog light which I had adjusted as part of the fail.
Fog light came on ok but tell tale on dash and switch would not work AND when you turned the lights on the rev counter stopped working my heart
sank.... He said we would test the emmissions and come back to that later. was feeling really pi$$ed off, this had never happened before. As I sat in
the car waiting for him to sort out the emmissions tester I had a quick rummage under the dash and hey presto found a bad earth BINGO lamps & rev
counter fixed. Then revving engine for emmissions the ferkin throttle jammed open. This was a brand new set of twin cables as I actually had this
problem before it went for its first test. I lifted the bonnet, got hold of the cables and realised what was happening, they were touching the rocker
cover which by now was red hot as it had been standing on tickover for 20mins or so. Luck would have it I had left a pair of pliers on top of the
inlet manifold when I was changing pump jets last night so I pretended I was a thicko for doing that and blamed the throttle sticking on them. In
actual fact I had pulled them away and they had started to cool, I just prayed that they would not bind when they cooled down.... They worked
Next we moved onto what I thought was going to be the brake test as my car failed coz it bottomed out on the checker plate between the rollers but no
!! took me round the rollers and instructed me to go for a brew while he did the noise test, who am I to argue.
After an anxious wait in the recepition he came in and ushered me to the car ........ "Put your bonnet back on, there's your pass
certificate " ........... YIPPPEEEE passed.
Grinning from ear to ear I loaded the car onto my trailer and went stright up the motorway to Preston DVLA. OK sir fill this V55/5 in give us your
paperwork and we will contact you in 2 to 3 weeks. I pleaded with the young girl that I was looking to try and get it taxed today while I had the car
there for inspection, turns out they no longer want to inspect your car. After using all the charm I could muster this young girl said Oh yes we can
do your tax disc today but you will have to wait for your log book. Thats ok with me I said so long as I can use it ..... Oh yes she said the vehicle
is now on the system all you need is to get plates and your off, she gave me a form to give to the plate maker giving authority to make them. Didnt
need that my lad makes them, so a quick call was made to him before I set off with my tax disc in hand. I called into his place picked the plates
up, home and fitted them and have just been out for my first proper, legal spin it it.
Right what do I build next ..........
Thanks for all the support, answers & guidance all you Locosters have given, now I'm off to open that bottle of Barolo I've been saving
for the occasion.
Well Done!! Looking forward to reaching same stage as you.
^^^^^^^^^ What Pi$$ed on Barolo LOL
well done. good work getting it registered on the same day.
Well done that man
welcome to the on the road club
I'd be doing someting about that throttle though before it jams open on the road. Take it easy out there.
Well done mate, it's a great feeling.
Originally posted by adithorp
I'd be doing someting about that throttle though before it jams open on the road. Take it easy out there.
Well done, Dennis - IVA sounded a bit touch and go But, HEY HO!
DVLA thrashed on the same day too - well done for that, too! I told you they didn't need to inspect mine, either. New policy?
DVLA common sense
Leaving half your toolkit under the bonnet doesn't sound like a very good idea, though
Yeah - that's another point - what ARE you going to build next? (from your other thread). And more to the point, what am I going to build